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The 1st Andy Speaks Cycle For Autism Awareness (2019)
April being World Autism Awareness month, in 2019 we embarked on a national level Cycle-thon initiative, dubbed Cycle for Autism project.
The initiative saw one of our founder partners – James Getangah, of Dazzling Centre for Autism cycle for 1000km cross country from Nairobi county to Kisii county.
We not only successfully managed to raise awareness on autism across 15 counties in 16 days by addressing doctors, patients, parents and the general public in 19 county hospitals and 2 gatherings, we managed to reach approximately 10,000 people in total.
But the most critical achievement was the overwhelming responses (and endorsements) received from county officials that have already triggered policies to address the needs in terms of the education and infrastructure within the health sectors.
The cycle for autism awareness campaign was aired in several media stations inclusive of TV, radio and print media where the autism spectrum and neurodevelopmental disabilities was discussed in detail.
During the Cycle for Autism flag off and the culmination of events we engaged the CEO of National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), Hon. Mohammed Gabbow, Hon Tim Wanyonyi, MP Westlands& Chair of the Kenya Disability Parliamentary Association, the 1st Lady Kisii county Madame E. Ongwae and other government representatives present to look into the implementation & adjustment of policies to include persons with neurodevelopmental Disabilities.