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Renovation and Equipping of Therapy Centers
Quality Education is a prerequisite to independence, skills development and opportunities
for a better, fulfilled future for every learner. At, Andy Speaks, the goal is to fill in the gap
of therapy and assistive devices in schools to ensure that learners have access to
assistive devices and the best therapy services crucial to their growth and development.
Through our charity drive, Ride 4 Autism Awareness, we have been able to renovate two
Therapy Centres and Equip Autism Units at two public primary schools in Nairobi:
Kasarani Primary School and Dagoretti Special School.
During the projects, we did renovations on;
i. Painting classes
ii. Flooring the therapy room
iii. Furniture Repair
iv. Curtain installation
v. Purchase of learning aids,support aids and educational materials
vi. Partition and plumbing repairs for bathrooms and toilets

The new Autism units and Therapy centres will ensure that;
i. Special Needs Learners get the therapy services they require
ii. Save time and resources for parents who take time off work to find therapy services
that are already costly and scarce
iii. Special Needs Learners get quality and an all-rounded education
iv. Accessibility of services to other Special Needs in the general public